What Is Software ?

What Is Software ?

Software is collection of programs. it is the programs and other operating system used by a computer. software is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a task. software includes all diffrent software programs such as the applications and the operating system. 

In Simple Way We Can Say That Software Is A Set Of Instructions That Computer Follows To Perform Different Tasks. 

Software is an important part in our life. humans are developing with the help of softwares. today we are using software everywhere in our life. 

Types Of Software :-

1. System Software :-

A Software which helps to start our computer system is called System Software. System Software is like an operating system. system software is collection of application software. 

System Software Examples :

- MS-Dos
- MS Windows
- Unix 
- Kali Linux
- Ubuntu
- Mac OS

2. Application Software :-

Software which is used for some specific work is called an Application Software. Like we use notepad for text writing. so notepad is a software which is used for writing. 

Application Software Examples :

- For Office Work = MS Office
- For Accounting Work = Tally
- For Designing Work = Page Maker, Photoshop, Coral Draw
- For Website Development = HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Dream Viewer
- For Animation, Multimedia & Games = 3D Max, Morph, Cinema 4D, Maya 
- For Software Development = Visual Basic, Java, C Language, C++, DotNET, Programming


Read More: What Is Computer ?

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